There is no shortage of adventure in Vermont - especially in the summer months!
Summer days bring together family and friends enjoying the lakes and ponds, exploring the hiking and biking trails, or taste testing Vermont's culinary treats. Here are our top 10 things to do in Vermont during the summer. Book your stay at one of our Airbnb properties and join us!
Jump in the Lake: Our Airbnb properties are conveniently located near the beautiful Elmore State Park, where admission fees are friendly family and there are plenty of activities to choose from. Swim, kayak, and paddleboard or opt for other activities like hiking or barbecuing. If you’d prefer to adventure even further, the majestic Lake Champlain and Lake Willoughby are both within an hour’s drive.
Shop at a Farmers’ Market: Every Saturday from May 15-October 9 you can enjoy Vermont’s fresh harvested bounty at the Stowe Farmers’ Market. Support local farmers, hear live music, browse handcrafted souvenirs, and sample delicious baked goods. You can view the full list of vendors here: http://www.stowefarmersmarket.com/vendors1. Other options are the Hardwick Farmers' Market every Friday and the Morrisville Farmers' Market every Saturday!
Get a Behind the Scenes Look at Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Making Operation: Factory tours at Ben & Jerry’s in Waterbury, Vermont are the perfect way to spend a rainy or too hot summer day. During the 30-minute tour you will learn all about the history of Ben & Jerry’s, their cherished ice cream flavors, and even get to sample some at the end!
Dine at a Farm to Table Restaurant: Vermont has always been into supporting local farmers and turning their fresh produce and meats into fantastic tasting meals. Farr Oasis, Elmore Oasis, and North East Oasis are all within driving distance to some of the most fabulous fine dining establishments in the state. A few of our favorites are Hen of the Wood, with locations in both Burlington and Waterbury, Michael’s on the Hill in Waterbury, and The Farmhouse Tap & Grill in Burlington.
Sample Vermont’s Culinary Delights: Vermont has some amazing things to eat, and the drive along historic Route 100 between Waterbury and Stowe offers several attractions for foodies! A favorite among visitors is the Cabot Farmer’s Store, which offers the best cheese ever! Be sure to sample their famous cheddar cheese, plus the 20 other flavors they offer in the store. This is a perfect spot to purchase some gifts for family and friends, as the store is stocked with all kinds of Vermont products: wine, beer, cider, jams, jellies, crackers, syrup, and more. Directly next door, sample some spirits at the Smuggler’s Notch Distillery or chocolate treats at Lake Champlain Chocolates. A few minutes further down the road is the Cold Hollow Cider Mill, a destination for apple lovers. They make the best apple cider, amazing apple cider donuts, and now offer hard cider that you can sample right on the property. If you still have room in your belly, enjoy a hot beverage at the European-style coffee bar located at the Vermont Artisan Coffee & Tea Company. A maple latte is always a delicious choice!
Hike Stowe: The mountains of Stowe are an excellent destination for those who enjoy hiking. There are a range of trails that will suit various levels of experience. The Long Trail, which traverses Vermont from north to south, runs across Mount Mansfield in Stowe. You can climb to the top of Mansfield via a few different trailheads, two of which are in Smuggler’s Notch. If the weather cooperates and you are feeling adventurous, take the 90-minute hike to Stowe Pinnacle for amazing views or head to Sterling Pond. For a shorter hike, head to the area waterfalls, Bingham Falls and Moss Glen Falls. Check out Green Mountain Club's Summer Hike Recommendations here: https://www.greenmountainclub.org/hiking/hikevt/
Bike the Kingdom Trails or Lamoille Valley Rail Trail: Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom is the perfect spot for lovers of mountain biking. With an extensive network of multi-use trails, riders can purchase a day pass to The Kingdom Trails and gain access to options for all abilities, or take a free ride on New England's longest rail trail, the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail. You’ll be in awe of these scenic natural areas!
Reserve Your Tee Time: Opportunities to play nine or eighteen holes are all over Vermont! Luckily our Airbnb properties are just a short drive away from some of the most gorgeous public golf courses and the mild temperatures make it an ideal place to golf. A few of our favorites are Copley Country Club, Ryder Brook Golf Club, Stowe Country Club, Jay Peak Golf Resort, and the Golf Club at Sugarbush Resort.
Attend a Waterfront Beer Festival: This summer, the Vermont Brewers Festival is coming back to Burlington better than ever before! There will be five tasting sessions spread out over the July 21-23 Festival, including a new farm-to-table tasting session on Thursday evening featuring ten Vermont brewers as well as vendors providing local products to sample and purchase. Also new for this year, festival goers will have the choice of a 3-ounce, 6-ounce, or 9-ounce sample pour in their commemorative Vermont Brewers Festival tasting glass. From breweries that put Vermont on the craft map, to a new generation of taprooms, there will be something for every beer enthusiast at this year’s festival! Buy tickets here: https://www.vermontbrewers.com/festivals/vermont-brewers-festival-burlington/event-day-details/
Take up Fly Fishing: Vermont is the Fly Fishing capital of New England and there are plenty of fish-rich rivers and streams near Farr Oasis, Elmore Oasis, and North East Oasis. You can head right to the Lamoille River where you’ll find trout, small and largemouth bass, and panfish, or you can join a guided trip with Catamount Fishing Adventures or The Fly Rod Shop!
If you're looking to stay local when visiting our Airbnbs, head to Wednesday Night Live at Oxbow Park in Morrisville, every Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 PM, June 15–August 17, for free live music, food vendors and more!
#SummerActivities #Stowe #StoweVermont #Waterbury #WaterburyVermont #LakeElmore #ElmoreStatePark #VermontLife #StoweFarmersMarket #BinghamFalls #MossGlenFalls #BenandJerrys #CabotCheese #SmugglersNotchDistillery #LakeChamplainChocolates #ColdHollowCiderMill #VermontArtisan #HenoftheWood #MichaelsontheHill #TheFarmhouseTapandGrill #LakeChamplain #LakeWilloughby #FarrOasis #NorthEastOasis #ElmoreOasis #MountMansfield #NortheastKingdom #KingdomTrails #CopleyGolfCourse #RyderBrookGolfCourse #JayPeakGolfResort #GolfClubatSugarbushResort #VermontBrewersFestival #FlyFishing #CatamountFishingAdventures #LamoilleRiver